Arnav is science whiz in Jamaica

Eighteen-year-old Arnav Muppuri is making academic waves in the sciences on the CAPE Unit 1 ladder, placing first in physics, third in chemistry and biology, and fourth in pure mathematics nationally in Jamaica.

The Cornwall College student also placed fifth in the Caribbean in physics, while proudly sharing the third in chemistry with his friend and schoolmate, Nathan Jarrett.

No stranger to academic excellence since he stepped on to the corridors of the Montego Bay all-boys' school, Arnav showed his prowess, copping three of the four major midterm trophies in his first five months.

The 12th-grade senior prefect supervisor says he generally pays attention in class, but sometimes loses focus and spends time having fun with his friends. He was quick to point out that he is not a role-model student.

“If someone else was to follow my habits, they wouldn't do very well, because I don't manage my time. I don't have a timetable. I don't plan out my day or anything. I do whichever one or I just do them as they come, and the only thing that helps me is that I don't procrastinate,” he said.

The teenager takes every opportunity he gets to play football or tennis. He is also significantly involved as a leader in clubs and societies at the institution. Arnav also finds time to pull his friends up academically.

Arnav is the Sixth-Form Association president, senior supervisory prefect, president of the Spanish Club, vice-president of the 4-H Club, secretary of Key Club International, assistant treasurer of the Science Environmental Energy Club, and president of Chess Club.
